Template talk:ItemTemplate

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What is the template for?[edit]

For all modules except cases. Cases have slots and a 'shape' for those slots, which are unique.

What is the template NOT for?[edit]


Base Materials


What needs adding[edit]

The module shape

Other modules that have this module as a recipe ingredient

What can craft it (tables and machines)

Known Bug(s)[edit]

It always displays Analysis Table 1, above the Research Data, rather than the actual analysis table.

(Talk) Change History[edit]

First Version

DRY411S (talk) 17:16, 5 July 2022 (CEST)

I have added a second parameter as test where you can state the analysis table. This one needs to be added by hand.

Aayph (talk) 17:17, 5 July 2022 (CEST)